I'm starting work on ninja'd 2 - obviously, the escaping movie.
It's going to be very frame-by-frame'd, much different to the previous ninja'd movie...
Also, I will have more time to make this one! (However I will try not to keep you waiting for long)
The best thing about making this?
I will have the full .fla file at the end, due to it being on MY hard drive and not TAFE'S hard drive, which they decided would be an excellent thing to WIPE.
So I no longer have the music to ninja'd... *sighs*
I would have to recreate it again, and that would be hard, but possible.
I'd just have to steal Acid 4 off TAFE >.>
Oh, and this one has better enemies that the ninja must face... somewhat humanoid ones! Yay!
So yes, I'm starting it, I've started it, it should be good and done in a few months at most.
And I had the CST today... and will tomorrow... ugh.